
June 30, 2007 - Reading time: 2 minutes

A lot has happened recently!

First, I got a new job.  Finally.  I'm working for Jacobs as a contractor for NASA.  This promises to be a really interesting position, but it's a three month contract.  After the three months is up, maybe I stay or maybe I get the boot.  The job is at the Johnson Space Center.

Yes, the Johnson Space Center is in Houston, which also means I've moved (at least temporarily) to southeast Houston.  Texas never really struck me as being the sort of place I'd want to live, but it's actually quite nice down here.  We'll see how that develops.

Since I've moved, I have to do all of the stupid moving things, including setting up utilities.  I hate moving, and this is one of the reasons why.  The only outstanding utility is DSL; my regular DSL provider couldn't help me here, so I went with AT&T yahoo! service instead.  I'd tell you how it is, but I don't have it yet ... I ordered it on Wednesday, as soon as I had a phone number, and they shipped me the self-install kit via UPS 2nd day air, but ... the activation date isn't until July 10th, so I've got this kit and it's just sitting here.  I still haven't figured out why I got the modem in two days but have to wait two weeks for activation.  In the meantime, I'm using my speakeasy dialup account.  Speakeasy still rocks, by the way.

Rather than move all of my stuff here for three months, I decided to rent furniture for the apartment.  I used CORT, and that went pretty well.  I have decent furniture, though it's a bit more expensive than I would have liked.  In three months, if it looks like I'm going to stay here, I'll probably go ahead and hire movers to get the rest of my crap to Houston.  Then I figure out what to do with the house.  Hmmm.

Jobless ...

March 3, 2007 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Note: this had a link to my 2007 resume, which ... I feel like I've progressed beyond that at this point, and having old resumes up on the web will result in nothing good.  If you want to see my resume, there's a LinkedIn link in the corner.

So I quit my job at Varec effective yesterday, so I'm back on the hunt for a new job.  Varec was a cool place to work, but I'm really looking to do more engineering; most of my work at Varec was Windows IT work which is kind of dismal.  So anyway ... if you're hiring, want to check out my resume?